Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Happy Hump Day!

I'm not posting for any reason in particular, beyond the fact that it's been nearly a week (gasp!) since the last post and I'm sure there must be something Web 2.0-ey that I've done recently. Hmm.

I've been working on Twitter a bit more recently. I discovered to my chagrin that despite being added to the list of people (tweeple? - still not sure of the Twerminology yet) in the Cam23 group I wasn't actually following it, so managed to do that, finally! Discovered I had been missing quite a few tweets from my fellow Cam23ers, so allowed myself to feel guilty for a short while, then had some chocolate. I also recently had my second-ever reply, which was exciting (not least of all because it was about getting half price satellite tv =), so I'm beginning to feel if not fully-fledged, then at least I've managed to peck my way out of the shell at last.

Because bird metaphors require bird pictures. Image by Dunbar Gardens on Flickr.

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