Friday, 10 January 2014

Libraries@Cambridge 2014 - Up-Goer Five style!

When the word which explains the thing that you went to is not one of the ten hundred most used words, it makes talking about it very hard. But I'll try.*

The day was about being great at giving people what they need. One of the most important ways of doing this is to find out what they want. It sounds simple, but I think more people need to remember this! The person who gave the talk said we need to "say yes, not no because...'", and while I think there are so many people around who do say yes (and that is why we are great), it is good to remind us every now and again why we should.

The next talk I went to was about getting better yourself. There were many great ideas coming out of this, and I am going to be trying lots out. In fact, moved by this, I have already asked my work to help me go to something which will help me do my job better. (They said yes =) ). A good point was "what? so what? now what?" which I will use when keeping track of and writing about everything I do.
I was really pleased because even though in large groups I usually listen more than talk, I spoke up and had my idea written on the wall. This is something I need to work on, and so this was another step forward in my plan to be a better me.

In the next talk, I finally learned what a really long word means, so I can now talk to my friends about their work and know what it is they are doing! It was about working out how important different people's writing is, and how to order it from most important to least using both the older ways and some of the new ways around. It seems like there is not one good way, and each different way has different problems, so there is no right answer as to how this should be done. This was not such a practical talk for me at present, but was still very interesting.

Listening to the last part, I was amazed at all the different areas we work in, and the talks were so interesting. The picture of the water car was really good! The music talk was eye-opening, and the one by the place where they study cold stuff at the top and bottom of the world had a lot of interesting points for me because our areas of work and the problems we have are quite like each other.
By the end of the day I was very tired, but there was a lot of good stuff to take away from it. I can't wait for next year!
* Thanks to Aidan Baker for the brain-wrackingly fun idea of trying to write about attending a conference using Up-Goer Five! (I cheated on the word count though; 467 words total).
EDIT Credit to be awarded to Lyn Bailey for combining #lac14 and Up-Goer Five (sorry!)

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