Thursday, 1 July 2010

Technology headaches and Twitter

On to thing 7! My account is duly created on Twitter. I update my status. So far, so good. I try to follow the cam23 list. I don't know, perhaps it's because I've left it so late (I am 6 things behind at the moment!) the list is too long, but for whatever reason, it crashes, taking Firefox and my computer with it.

Not a problem. I reboot, restart Firefox, and try again. Most of the list are saved as people I'm following, so that's probably fine. I'm now following MLA and CILIP too.

I need to reply and retweet, and check in, so I'll update how I'm getting on in a while. In the meantime, I am going to be proactive and find a way to add Twitter to my iGoogle page.

[EDIT] I've added it, and my reader looks empty because I gasped in horror at the number of posts I had to read (234), panicked, and feeling overwhelmed, read three and promptly marked all the rest as read. I feel guilty, because I'm used to reading everything, but I know I can't possibly do that and try and continue doing my own things. But how do you tell what's useful? And when everything you read is useful, how do you limit yourself?


  1. This link might come in useful if you are trying to read everything (a great temptation):

    There are lots of other versions available.


Final Thoughts

Made it! So, in the end, what do I think? Image by Ralf Kunze from Pixabay I did this as a way of trying to stay connected with my l...