Friday, 27 August 2010

Communications, LibraryThing

Firstly, I and a few dozen other library staff in Cambridge attended a communication meeting at Selwyn College yesterday. There's a lot of useful information for librarians in Cambridge available, but there are two fairly significant problems:
  1. New librarians (and insignificant grunts like me) don't know that there is information available.
  2. Even if people are aware that there is information available, it's hard to know where to look.
Anyway, these two points had been made, and there was quite fruitful discussion about where information should be stationed and how it should be made accessible. I'm very optimistic that the actions that will be taken as a result of the meeting are going to significantly improve the communication process amongst library staff (and I myself will be making more of an effort to be proactive about seeking out the information now that I know it's there).

I'll go to the ends of the earth for my readers!
The other thing is that I found another use for LibraryThing today. Some of the books we have are still only on short records in the catalogue, so it can be hard to know what to look for when hunting a book (knowing how many pages it is and how tall isn't much, but it's a start). Books held in the different departments aren't always kept in order either. This particular book I searched for on Google, then Amazon, and while I could dig up more bibliographic details about it, there was "no image available". But LibraryThing had the image of the book, and we were able to find it much quicker (though the process still took 25 minutes!).

Image from cwgoodroe on Flickr.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Just keeping my hand in

At work we have something called "London Days" - every two years, you get effectively an extra day's leave, in order to have an educational visit. Today was mine, and I had planned to visit Audley End House - until I checked and found that it doesn't open on Mondays. So I drove to Bury St Edmunds instead and visited Ickworth House.
Ickworth House, nr Bury St Edmunds

It was a very quirky building. There was a whole wing built just for the purpose of symmetry, and had no other function (though they've conferenced it up considerably). The history of the family was pretty salacious - including a couple of bigamists, a murderer and a gun runner! Heady stuff.
The view from the garden at the rear of the house
Inside (where we were not allowed to take photographs) there were an awful lot of family portraits, and a Titian, a Velasquez and a Reynolds. There was a beautiful Clementi piano, but you couldn't play it. The library has only two walls - which sounds more interesting than it actually is, given that one of them is semi-circular. Upstairs was one of the finest private collections of miniatures in the country, and a collection of fish made of silver which were used to contain nice-smelling stuff like pot pourri. Apparently when the house was first built, the owner went on his Grand Tour and bought tons of art to fill up the place, but then everything was confiscated by Napoleon's army! D'oh.

I can thoroughly recommend eating in the restaurant in the West Wing (so-named because it's not the East Wing - nothing to do with American TV dramas). The gardens were lovely too; there was a rose and temple garden, a silver garden, a stump garden, a gold garden (better than the silver one, I suppose) - but it was raining pretty heavily by that point, so we didn't tackle the 7-mile walk around the 1800 acres' perimeter.

Okay, I'll 'fess up. This doesn't have anything to do with Web2.0, or Cam23. But it's professional development (of sorts!), and it proves I haven't quite forgotten my blog yet!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

And finally...My Word!(le)

I did a Wordle when I first started this blog - you can see it in the sidebar on the right. (If it's not, go here.)

Now check out my latest one!

I'm quite pleased with the big words that feature there - think, use, like, library...if nothing else I can say I probably "got" the purpose of the 23 Things! Obvious Web2.0 words appear too - Googe, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr. The one thing I have noticed is that I really need to stop using the word "really"! (But you'll be hard pushed to find a "very" there!)

It's been fun, but now I'd better get back to my backlog of cataloguing. Those books aren't going to magically process themselves, more's the pity.

Thing 23? I'm not stopping here!

A week ago, when the end was in sight, but not quite in reach, I thought I'd be writing this post with relief.

Instead, what I am finding is a remarkable sense of pride at the Things I have accomplished. In just a few months I have learnt so much about what Web2.0 has to offer and how I can use it, and share it, and enhance our services with it. I am in awe of those who put together this programme for us in Cambridge - the enthusiasm and drive behind it is inspirational, and really serves to demonstrate just what we can do with a can-do attitude!

The fabulous Cam23 Team. As Wayne and Garth would say: We're not worthy!

It's been an interesting "12" weeks (okay, 16 then) - I came to it with a skeptical attitude, but with the willingness to learn and explore - to at least have a go without dismissing anything outright. There's still so much I have to discover, and experiment with, but I don't feel so completely overwhelmed by it all as I did even ten Things ago. There have been Things I've really struggled with (like podcasting and image use), but there's always been help at hand, and somehow or other I finally got there in the end!

I think the course itself was excellent. While I don't think there was an issue of too little time to achieve everything, I think perhaps a course like this would be better rolled out earlier within the academic year. What with exams, and end-of-year returning of books, then stock-takes and summer holidays, this time of year can be frenetic! (It didn't help that in our library, the entire staff was knocked out at some point over the last two weeks with illness.) If the course were to be repeated, I think it would work better starting in November or March. However, Web2.0 is the sort of thing you want to know about as soon as possible, so I'm glad I did it now rather than wait for a more convenient time!

On the whole, I found the instructions each week to cover pretty much everything I needed to know. The only real exception was the podcasting, and that was probably more due to my preferred learning style and my antipathy of all things Apple than any deficiency in the instructions themselves. I found most of the further reading interesting (though I have to own up and say I did only skim-read the Shirky article).

Since completing each Thing there have been Things I have stuck with, and Things I intend to try when I come to a point where I'll find them useful, and Things that I think I'll probably not return to. I have been logging in with greater and greater frequency to my iGoogle page (which I think I now have pretty much exactly how I like it), which automatically checks Twitter and Google Reader. I hadn't seen the attraction of Twitter at all before I started (despite being fond of updating my Facebook status quite regularly) but now I'm beginning to see the allure of a feed with no cruft on. And it was thanks to Google Reader that I got to go and see the utterly gorgeous Rhod Gilbert, courtesy of BBC's free tickets RSS, so I'm completely sold on that now!

I think I can cross a few of these off now...only a few hundred left to try!

Things like Zotero, Delicious and Slideshare I haven't yet really used beyond initial exploration, but before the 23 Things I didn't even know they existed, so for now it's just reassuring to know they're there when I need them. I do intend to try out Zotero when it comes to working on my next assignment, so we'll see how it goes then. However, despite having never heard of the Creative Commons aspect of imaging, I'm now sourcing images for every post, both through Flickr and elsewhere, so that Thing definitely counts as a success! Meanwhile, LinkedIn didn't really do anything for me, and I think if I were going to use Facebook for work, I'd set up another account for the "professional" me, rather than use the one I have.

Finally, I think I might just continue blogging (she says, before the next update comes three years hence). It's been a good record of what I've tried out, and I intend to keep learning about Web2.0, so hopefully I'll still feel a need to keep the record. I also could incorporate it as a study diary for my degree, as there's going to be some overlap. A few modules from now I will be looking at marketing of library services for one of my assignments, and Thing 19 will come in very handy for that!

One thing I have appreciated since doing the 23 Things is that there is almost a dichotomy between the spirit of social media ("just do it!"), and the way libraries have approached it. Social media is easy to use, and often free (as in beer and speech, and frequently as in kittens). That means that you can "just do it", but there are limitless examples of social media poorly utilised on the web. The good Web2.0 libraries have recognised this: that the strategy is key. There's absolutely no point saying "everyone's using Twitter (or YouTube, or Delicious), so we should be too," and then creating a presence simply for the sake of being there. The interaction between content-producers and their readers (or listeners, or viewers) is what makes Web2.0 so vital and dynamic. This should be why you're using these tools - to engage with others, to collaborate, to find shared meaning in an increasingly chaotic world, to create multi-directional channels of information - or just to share with the world what you had for to eat that morning...

Wikis and Wikipeeing

If the title still reads "Wikis" then I still haven't thought of anything better to write there.
Maybe inspiration will hit between the time I write the rest of it and post the article...we'll see. Anyway, I think the majority of us will have come across Wikipedia somewhere in the last few years (if you've ever been a teacher since it existed, it will have been handed in to you at some point, cunningly disguised as a student's own work). Reasons why it might have hit your radar even if you have never used it are:
1. Instances of plagiarism of Wikipedia articles in students' work.
2. Issues of creditability (have you ever looked at Conservapedia?).
3. Sometimes, it's just funny.

I think I probably use Wikipedia itself on a weekly basis. It is my ready reference tool (because all the encyclopaedias are the other end of the library). In fact, I last used it last Friday when a keeper wanted to know where in the library we kept the museum catalogues from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (we couldn't immediately do a search on Newton because we weren't entirely sure how the name was spelt - you can see why!).

Some time ago, I did get involved in trying to write a wiki for an archery club. I spent hours a day, and still barely scratched the surface of all the knowledge I was trying to impart. The project lost impetus, and was archived and pulled off the internet by an overeager webmaster. I think it is important to stress the amount of time you will personally have to spend creating the wiki, and generating initial content. As the structure gains flesh, more and more contributors will be able to see what's missing and be able to offer their own views, but there's this period of "blank page syndrome" when so much is missing that it's hard to know where to start!

I'm not sure how well a library wiki would work in my present library. It might be a nice way of saving the computer officers from having to do the uploading when we want to change something on the website, but beyond recreating the userguide in a different (more easily editable) format, I'm not sure what we'd actually use a wiki for. I don't think we have the sort of users that would want to contribute to anything (trust me, it's hard enough getting some of them to even use the catalogue without help!). I could be wrong, though. It's an interesting concept to think of researchers who've used the library generating content for a library wiki, so if I get the opportunity to try it out, I may well do so.

Having seen the other sites and how they've used the wiki, I think it's clear that they've thought about what they want to present very carefully. I'm the sort of person who gets lost in tangential information - I could spend hours trying to win the Wikipedia Game - so I'd have to be careful not to create a sprawling behemoth that tries to cover absolutely everything!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Podcasting: Part the Second

Following my exploration of podcasting, I decided it really needed a post of its own. Out of all the 23 Things, this really has been the most complicated so far. Having watched the Common Craft Show's explanation, I reckoned I vaguely had an idea in principle what podcasting was, but couldn't quite work out how it knew when to download next installments. I then - finally! - received my new speakers at home, so then I watched the Common Craft video - this time with sound! It made a bit more sense (surprisingly), and I was confident that yes, I understood the principle behind podcasting.

That was all well and good, but now I had to listen to some podcasts, and I found I didn't quite know where to start. Now, I have a completely irrational prejudice against Apple, so I really didn't want to approach this problem via iTunes. But what was my alternative? This is what Cam23 said:
How do I listen to a podcast?
By downloading them to your iPod or MP3 player, or by listening to/viewing them directly on your PC. If you already use Apple's iTunes software go to the Podcasts section of the iTunes Music Store. Alternatively you might want to use a service like Odeo which allows you to play podcasts from their web pages without downloading.
I went several times to Odeo's website, but never saw anything but this page:

I was stuck - then inspiration struck. Good old Auntie. Right next to the button for "podcast home" on the BBC page was the button for "podcast help". I found the information there to be pitched just right for thickos like me, and there were links to iTunes, Zune and Zencast. However, I couldn't find a way of downloading Zune onto anything that wasn't an Xbox, I'd already decided against iTunes and Zencast looked to be quite spammy (my internet security software informed me within seconds of landing on the site that it had already protected me from at least one Trojan). I then found the BBC podcast FAQ, and again avoiding iTunes (I will not succumb!!), I had a look at Juice.
Juice. Image from PicturePurrfect685 on Flickr.

What bothered me about Juice was that the software hadn't been updated since 2005, and was ostensibly only compatible with Windows 2000 or XP. I run Windows 7 at home (through no fault of my own, I happen to live with a CompSci), so a quick search on Google for "Juice", "compatibility" and "Windows 7" threw up a couple of pages with simple instructions for fixing it. I found the instructions on Spiceworks to be short and simple, and having followed them, I was finally able to start subscribing to podcasts!!

While this all probably sounds very convoluted and confusing, on the whole I was okay with it. Having to tweak the program files meant I engaged with the software on a deeper level, so I have a much clearer idea of how it actually works. However, until I find a podcast to which I would actually consider subscribing, and a portable device actually worth using (I have a very old phone which will play mp4 files, but the headphone socket is totally knackered and I have no intention of annoying the other passengers on the bus into work!), I think I will be perfectly content to simply listen to the podcasts while sitting at my computer at home.

Right. That aside, what do I think of podcasting's use in the library context? I listened to a few from the University of Aberdeen and the British Library, and I was impressed. Students missed the tour at the start of the year? No problem - they can find a time to suit them and do it themselves! In fact, what makes it even better is that usually the beginning of the year is marked by total information overload, so being able to come back a few weeks later, once you've settled in, to remind yourself of everything you'd forgotten that the library does, is so much better than having to bother the staff!

Meanwhile, discussion of exhibitions can really add something new when you're visiting a gallery - and while many museums have audio guides now, by downloading the podcasts in advance you can really plan your visit thoroughly. The museum where I work has a variety of podcasts available on current and past exhibitions, so the resource is there if I ever want to have a go at creating my own (alas, I have no microphone at home so I can't subject you all to my piano-playing). But for the moment, I think I've spent long enough investigating podcasts, and now it's time to watch Maru.

Podcasting, YouTube and Ninja Librarians

I read somewhere recently that someone suggested if Facebook, Twitter and Youtube were to merge, they might call it "YouTwitFace". Silly names aside, I'm familiar with YouTube, if only for ninja kitties, amusing pianists, Maru, Star Wars kid, Simon's Cat, the sneezing it any surprise it's blocked at work?

Which is a shame, because I think if you can get over the whole being-seen-on-camera thing, you could do an awful lot with it. So many people, particularly younger students, don't learn best through reading and writing, and are more likely to respond to and engage with visual stimuli. Things like crafts - knitting, to take a particularly librarianish (sorry!) example: I could try to describe how to cast on, and even static pictures might be sufficient for some people, but really the best way to learn is to see a demonstration.

You could use videos to demonstrate searching the mystifying Newton catalogue, upload them to YouTube, embed them on your website, then when students look on there for opening hours, they'll see it - and some might watch it. And once they've watched it, they might even try and look for a book themselves instead of coming to you in the first place...perhaps.

As for podcasting - I'll confess this is something I heard about a long time ago and never really understood. Now I think I'm beginning to understand it, but haven't been able to explore it fully yet because - quelle surprise! - all those podcasts suggested by Cam23 are blocked at work. Are the sysadmins trying to tell me something? Coupled with the fact that I currently have no sound on my computer at home, it's been singularly frustrating trying to learn more.

My Thing 20 Document

Here's a link to my Google Drawing. As it stands, there's still plenty of space for people to doodle, so feel free to add something to it if you like! Artistic talent is not required ;)

Docking with Google

Only four more things to go, and not much time left! Next stop, Google Docs. I have come across this before, but stopped using it years ago. The 23 Things has made me realise both why I used it, and why I stopped - and why I should perhaps start using it again!

Why I started using Google Docs
The thing is, I'm the secretary of the <shameless plug> Cambridgeshire Archery Association </plug>. I write my minutes in Word and then attach them to an email which I circulate to the clubs. For a while, one of the members complained that he wasn't receiving my emails (because his email client wouldn't accept any emails with attachments). So, I tried out Google Docs. I set it so that anyone who had the link could read but not edit the minutes.

Why I stopped using Google Docs
There were two main problems. The first was that I found the formatting much trickier when writing into Google Docs than in Word (to which I've become much more accustomed). I'd upload the minutes, then spend the next half an hour changing them back to how they were supposed to look. In the end, when the member left the committee, I switched back to emailing everyone with the attachment, because it saved time. The second was that if the minutes were sitting in an inbox, they definitely had a greater chance of being read than if only the link was sitting in the inbox. I'd get to meetings and I'd be almost the only one who knew what the matters arising were!

My Google Doc drawing...waiting for replies...

Why I should start using Google Docs again
Through the 23 Things, I've since realised that, like a lot of the other social media, Google Docs's strength is in its collaboration. Minutes are a push-out of information, so frankly, email is definitely the best form of communicating them. No one is that bothered about what we get up to that they actively seek out the minutes! And while it's nice to have them online for all to view, the URL is a string of meaningless letters and numbers (I understand why, but it's not pretty, nor terribly memorable). Given that we have a website, it makes much more sense to post them there under a meaningful link.

I think if I use Google Docs again, it would have to be in order to make use of the advantages it has over Word-in-an-email-attachment. I used it wrongly before, which was why I didn't see its benefits. Now I have a better idea of what it can really do. I experimented with a drawing, since I couldn't think of anything to write which needed sharing (to which my blog will attest...). I've shared it, and now I'm just waiting for my collaborators to add something. It felt fairly simple, but I guess the proof of the pudding will be in the eating.
Mmm, pudding. From lynn.wabbit on Flickr
As an entirely tangential aside, I feel my soul has been carved in twain, with half rendered unto Google (what with iGoogle, Docs, Calendar &c., &c.) and the other half rendered unto Facebook. Alas no soul left for Yahoo.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Marketing libraries with social media

Oh dear, Cam23 fatigue has definitely hit me now. I can't decide whether it's a bad thing to be playing catchup to practically everyone else (those unread blog posts labelled Thing 23 sitting in my reader are possibly the most depressing sight I've seen all day, and it's been raining), since I'm almost certainly rehashing territory everyone has already explored with a finetooth comb, or whether it's good, since it means I can read all these wonderful posts and work out why a Thing has worked for one person, why it hasn't for another, and what of it might be useful to me.

Nevertheless, blog I must, and so on to marketing with social media. As I've just mentioned, there are many wonderful posts by many others on the programme, so I'll try and add my own take on it. I think most people agree that it is important that your library doesn't just dive in, without really taking the time to consider what it's trying to achieve. I've noticed from reading others' posts that opinion is divided as to how much time marketing on social media is likely to take. Some are fervently in the camp of "it's so quick and easy" while others are much more circumspect - largely I think because they realise that it's not enough to set up a Twitter account, or a blog, but that it must be frequently updated. Yes, it does only take seconds to write 140 characters, but how long did you spend on planning how your web voice would sound? How much time was spent formulating a policy about when and what to update? I'm not saying it would necessarily take a long time, perhaps only minutes, but that all needs to be accounted for in the budget!

I work in a library which is great in size and small in manpower. Our users range from school students doing projects, to serious academic researchers, to people who just like a quiet and sunlit space to work that's not too far from a café, to people who've just come in from the street to get out of the rain and thought we were the café. Just last week we even had a chap visit asking for somewhere quiet to sit and inject himself with insulin! I think we'd have to seriously look at what we can offer these different groups of people before I start thinking about how best to use the most appropriate social media to address the gap between the user and the information we offer. I thought Aidan Baker's approach to marketing made a lot of sense here.

I'm not sure I can really say what might be best to try in our library. Perhaps a more concerted effort to bring new books to people's attention would be a start. We get some lovely exhibition catalogues from places like the Tate and the Royal Academy, after all. However, I think that we as a library get lost behind the institution as a whole, and people often come in and say "I've been coming here for years and didn't know there was a library" - so I think we have a bigger problem to address first!

Sunday, 15 August 2010

Zero to Zot-hero

Okay, I think we can safely say that puns are officially Not My Thing™. Anyway, I'd never heard of Zotero before, but the cam23 description of it had me drooling. A way to keep all my citations together? One click and it's saved for whenever I need it? Brilliant.

Bit of a brain meltdown - I'm doing this at home with a newly-built computer (from old parts), and frowned mightily when I couldn't read the .pdfs. Hadn't automatically installed Adobe Reader, duhhhh. But now that's done, and I can see how other people have used this little gizmo. I have to say, it looks very appealing. I'm not so keen on the way it says:

Intuitive Interface
Zotero's iTunes-like interface allows you to quickly organize your research sources
 But that's mainly because I don't like iTunes, and don't find its interface intuitive. So, I guess I'd need a while to get to grips with how it looks if I did use it, but I think it's almost certainly worth it. I have quite a few assignments to do for my degree, and I think I'll have a go at using Zotero for the first one at least, to see how it goes. It will almost certainly be better than what I currently do when pulling research together, which is have an email sitting in my draft folder, and every time I find a new source, or quote, or link, or anything useful, I add to it. Mind you, the advantage of that is that it's available anywhere, doesn't require downloading/installing anything, and is backed up to at least 3 different locations!, but then I still have to rewrite the citations into Harvard APA, which was a great pain until I discovered this.

In conclusion, I very much like the sound of it. It's got obvious practical applications, and while Chrome still fails to set my world on fire, it's not a problem that it's only available on Firefox. I think I'd need to try it out further by actually doing some research - but that will have to wait until after I've finished the other Things!

Saturday, 14 August 2010

All Linked Out

The big push is getting to me now, and just whizzing through the tasks for LinkedIn left me exhausted. I'm not sure what I think of this yet, and I have to say I'm reluctant to join it to further explore its features. Maybe if I had a CV with lots of flashy stuff on I might be less disinclined. I also wouldn't pay for it (I'm an old skool interwebber, who doesn't believe in paying for anything on the internet if I can avoid it - thank Tim Berners-Lee for that mindset).

Links (see what I did there?) Image from Chris Fitz on Flickr

I can see that if it was the place to go to look for people to make contact with, it might be worth it, but I'll be honest - I'd only heard of it because one of my university friends with whom I lost contact (and horror of horrors isn't on Facebook) was on there. I didn't join then - partly because, as a lot of others are finding now, I'm suffering account overload (yes, I have taken to writing down all my passwords, but in a secret code that no one will figure out, mwahaha). Profiles for this, registration for that - I feel like thirty different people once I'm logged in to everything.

LinkedIn might be more useful if more people used it. That sounds nonsensical, but it makes sense in a success-breeds-success sort of way. I guess that there are probably fields of work that utilise it well, but while it hasn't really captured the imagination of the general library populace (and it hasn't, from what I've read of others' posts), it doesn't seem to offer an awful lot to make it worth my using it yet.

Having said that, if I ever do finish my degree, who knows? When I've got something wonderful to actually put up there, I might actually register. Then I might get in touch with that friend too...

Friday, 13 August 2010

The IT Crowd | Friendface | Channel 4

The IT Crowd's take on Facebook.

Friendface - no, myBook - no...look - a three-headed monkey!

Well, who hasn't come across Facebook? Looking back, I can see that I joined it waaaaay back in March 2006 when it was a little exclusive site just arrived from across the pond (where it had been even more exclusive being as it was a way for Harvard students to stalk each other). Since then I have upped and upped the privacy, and shared less and less of myself on it.

I use Facebook as my current awareness, to keep up to date with my friends, to play hideously time-sink-y games, and as a way of sharing photos. The debate about the "Millenials" was a bit confusing, because I disagree that they "grew up" with Facebook. When I joined, I had strong links with the undergraduate population at university. They liked it for being something that wasn't Bebo or Friendster (which were for high school kids) or Myspace (nice idea, but looked so messy). At that time, I garnered the impression that it was popular with university students for its exclusivity (may that rest in peace), while Myspace continued to win over the hearts of musicians for its ability to share and the level of customization available. Now of course, everyone and their mother - but not my mother - is on Facebook, and about 75 million of them are logging on to harvest virtual farms. Score.

So how do libraries fit in? Despite my initial skepticism, I'd have to say very well indeed. In particular I really enjoyed reading the Trinity Hall page, and if I was a student there, I would have become a fan of this straightaway. It was so friendly and welcoming, just like a college library ought to be. I might not visit actively, but having the news there in the background as I log in just reminds me that it's there, it's a resource ready for me when I need it. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that putting your library on Facebook is a no-brainer. 200 million people are on Facebook. Probably 70-80% of your readers are on Facebook. Why aren't you?

I guess the minor issue is that you might not immediately think to look for your library on Facebook - but that can be counteracted by mentioning Facebook when you take your hundreds of students round on their tours in October (not long to go now...who's terrified?). The other issue, obviously, is that Facebook is probably reaching its critical mass, and soon everyone's going to be jumping ship and finding the next big thing. Google Buzz, perhaps?

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Libraries and Things

I decided in the end that I would develop my personal profile on LibraryThing rather than create a new one for my library. While it does mean I have one fewer password to remember, here's the main reason why I think my personal profile could do with a bit of enhancing:

That's right. No books. How embarrassing. And I call myself a librarian (occasionally, though I secretly prefer the term information ninja). So this Thing is the perfect opportunity to find out how I could actually be using this tool, instead of logging in once two months ago and then never returning.

So here is my newly edited profile - much better! Now to add some books. I grabbed a handful off the shelf, and was pleased at how simple it was to add them when all you have to do is type an ISBN. I came slightly unstuck when my M.C. Beaton books weren't on Amazon (which is odd, because that's where I bought them), but they were found using Overcat instead, so that was okay. I then tested it with a book of madrigals published in 1905, and a heraldry book from 1886. No problem finding either of those, which was great.

It's a bit hard to see how my library might use it. I suppose it might be a quick and easy way of adding recent acquisitions to a website (certainly easier than running the report query, and turning the resultant data into something readable), but if you can only add 200 books then it would last about a month. Unless it works differently for libraries than it does for personal users? Would you have to delete previously added books (eg last month's acquisitions list) to make room for new ones? That seems shortsighted to me. Maybe I'm missing the point. But when your library has in excess of 300,000 books, LibraryThing looks like small fry.

I think before I dismiss this site as "nice, but not really useful for me" (barring the obvious exception of the booksearching fora mentioned in my earlier post), I will create a profile for a society I'm a member of. It has a small collection of books - small enough that everything will fit without having to pay. Once I've done this, I might be able to use it in imaginative ways. So - the jury's still out on LibraryThing.

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Happy Hump Day! I have reached more than halfway in the 23 Things programme, and it's getting easier to be strict with myself and get it all done - I think blasting through, rather than doing a little bit here and there each week, is definitely my style. Heh, as far as I'm concerned, if it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done!

I've used LibraryThing before - a friend of mine happened to mention a book he'd read when he was younger, but he could barely remember the plot, much less the title or author. I thought this sounded like the sort of challenge a librarian could tackle, and a friend on the librarianship course I'm on mentioned that LibraryThing had a forum for exactly this kind of question. Registration, posting of the question and a few hours later, I had the answer - and a very grateful friend.

Where I think I like LibraryThing over other web 2.0 Things is in its demographic. The forum is so much fun to browse - I spent literally hours chuckling over one debate which discussed at great length what people thought was the worst children's book. The best part - the almost total absence of trolls and flames in what could have been a heated debate but instead remained erudite and well-reasoned discussion.

Anyway, I explored LibraryThing a litle bit more. I took the tour. I read the articles. I hadn't considered its use in libraries as an alternative to a cataloguing client, nor the use of the folksonomical tags as subject searches rather than my own pet hate, Library of Congress, but I can see advantages in using both these things in a number of cases.

I shall explore a bit more, then blog a bit later. But now it's time to go home. =)

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Through a glass darkly

It's very exciting. I've reached halfway, and now it's time to reflect on everything so far.
Photo by dynamosquito on Flickr

Here - have a reflection. Incidentally I want to say how thrilled I am that adding captions seems to have been moved from the draft version of blogspot (which didn't work for me at all for some reason) to the normal version. Properly credited, properly sized photos shall abound from here on in! Huzzah!

So...looking back at everything, how do I feel? First I feel terribly unaccomplished, since nearly everyone else has already finished their 23 things and I still have another ten to go. However, of the things I have done, most were new to me, or I was using in a way I hadn't done before. So I may be slow, but I certainly feel like I'm being thorough!

How have your skills/knowledge improved?
I've become a bit more capable at blog posts, but for an ex-art student I'm surprisingly physicky, and like to know how or why things happen the way they do, rather than just following instructions. However, I've found that for the most part over this course, it's been easier to follow instructions than to work out how things are done behind the scenes. So, as I said, my blogposts have improved, and I have been able to embed things, but it's largely through cut and paste and not through any development of my own knowledge.

Elsewhere, again, I feel like my skills per se have not improved, but my knowledge of certain tools has expanded. Having a programme like this gives a much-needed focus to web 2.0. For example, I had tried Twitter before, and absolutely failed to see the point of it. Having someone else explain how they've used it successfully and telling me exactly what they did helps enormously.

Have the 'Things' covered everything that you need to know, or think it relevant to know?
Well, in a nutshell, my feeling is that web 2.0 is still this big faceless monster, and these things have barely chipped away at the surface. There's still a whole lot of internet out there that I haven't got to grips with yet - but I'm sure I'll cover it all in the next ten things ;)
Please - no more internet! (from Rocket Scientist X on Flickr)

From a work point of view though, it's been pretty wide-ranging and has covered a variety of media. There's enough to dip your toes in, find out what works in your library, add it...and the community that has sprung up around it has meant that when I've said "oh it's nice, but it doesn't do this", there's often been someone else saying "no it doesn't, but have you tried this instead?"

Have the activities suited your learning style?
Apparently I have a "multimodal learning preference". Helpful. However, it says I take a holistic approach, which is quite true. I read around a subject and like to totally immerse myself in it before I feel comfortable with trying to understand it - which I feel doesn't really work with the web as there's always so much more to learn. I'm not generally happy with only knowing half of something, which means that I've probably spent a lot longer because I've been trying to gain the overall picture every time, and I feel frustrated because there's too much to take on board if I do.

The activities, on the other hand, were tasters, and while I feel they do only skim the surface and cover the most basic elements of the web tools we looked at, I needed that. There was always a point where the activity was completed, and I would be expected to stop and blog, regardless of the feeling that I hadn't really got to grips with it. Thinking about it, this is probably why I liked Doodle so much. There's nothing to it!!

Do you feel more competent and confident?
Yeeeees....she says doubtfully. Though that's probably more due to my learning style than actually being incompetent. I mean, apart from images, I managed to complete the tasks without any significant problems. So I guess what I'm saying is that I know I am more competent, therefore I should be feeling more confident...

What would you do differently - and what might change about how you approach the next 12 Things?
Coming back once again to the learning style, I think I'd like to have accepted sooner that I wasn't going to learn absolutely everything about all of the tools, and be a lot more strict with myself in sticking to the instructions at the beginning.

On a slightly more practical note, I think I would have found the programme a bit easier to follow if I could have two monitors at the same time. That way, I could have the instructions on one screen and the web tool du jour on the other. Even better, if I had three then I could have my blog page up and be making notes for the next post as I worked on the tool following the instructions on the cam23 blog. Even better, if I had four screens, I could also have iGoogle running in the background to keep up with everyone else's blogging. Even better - maybe I'll stop there. The fact is, I like to spread everything out and see it all at once when I work. This is much easier with books strewn across a desk than on a computer with one screen and Alt+Tab-induced RSI in my wrist!
Looking forward to a holiday... (Image by Giampaolo Macorig on flickr)

Is there one (or more) Thing that you would be happy to recommend to a colleague? Why?
I've divided the Things so far into those I would definitely recommend, might recommend and probably wouldn't recommend:

Definitely Recommend
RSS Feeds - it's a bit antiquated, sure, when compared with most of the other tools, but at the end of the day, when you want customised current awareness, only from the sources you trust, it can't be beaten. The trick is definitely being very selective, because if you forget to log in for a week and find you have 481 updates to read, you won't have a clue where to start.
Doodle - it's like the Ronseal of web2.0. It does only one thing. It does it well. I especially like that it doesn't require registration.

Might Recommend
iGoogle - if you don't have the same computer all the time, it becomes handy having everything in the one place. However, that's not an issue at work, so everything's there when you need it already.
Flickr - a great resource, particularly the Creative Commons stuff - but a terrible timesink!
Delicious - as a more subjective version of Google it's quite interesting, and like Doodle, it has one basic function which it performs well. 

Probably Wouldn't Recommend
Google Calendar - it might work for some people, but it seems an unnecessary faff for a staff of three who share a desk diary. And given we don't run events ourselves per se, there's not really a need for a calendar that our readers can use.
Blogging - I still don't see myself continuing this blog when I have completed the 23 Things. I don't feel I have much to say, and while a blog is useful to bring attention to things I might consider important, the majority of the time I'm the last to know about something anyway!
Twitter - maybe I haven't found the right people or things to follow, but I still find it's left me cold.
Slideshare - for reasons of Death-by-Powerpoint.

Looking at it, I feel a bit of an old codger judging by what I'd recommend - or is that more of an indictment on my colleagues, who haven't really got to grips with web 2.0? Perhaps I'd better shut up now...

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Playing catchup: Delicious

Oh me, oh my. Holiday, illness and a part-time degree have somehow got in the way of me blogging for over two weeks, and I am officially out of the loop. 481 things in my Google reader to whizz through, and 12 more things to go before I can finish the programme, so let's get on.

What is Delicious?

cartoon by Penny Arcade
I can't help but think of this cartoon whenever I hear that question. It's got nothing to do with social bookmarking, really, but it's still a funny comic.
So where to start? I looked at the lists of bookmarks created by Emma, and the Judge Institute, then thought I had better venture forth and try immersing myself without the metaphorical waterwings. I searched for "music", and Emma's bookmarks with that tag were clearly displayed at the top, while the most popular across the web were displayed below. Nice and clear, and all were relevant (which I suppose you'd expect when it's been filtered by approximately 60 thousand people). Refining it a bit further ("free sheet music") got me more refined results, though I defy anyone to explain how paying $9.99 a month makes sheet music free.
Still, the infrastructure seemed to work pretty well.

I can certainly see this as being a useful way of storing your bookmarks, and sharing them with readers in what is effectively a uniquely tailored web portal. When I used to work at the Squire I created pages and pages of bookmarks to international law sites, and this would have been a bit quicker. However, I'm not clear what happens when a website or page dies - presumably the bookmark remains, and you get taken to the dead page? Is there a quick way of finding out which of your bookmarks still work? In the past I've used Xenu, a linkchecking tool, but it would make sense to have something internally built into the collection of bookmarks itself.

On the whole, this feels like a human version of Google (which I guess it pretty much is!). It's good to see whether a lot of people have thought that a link is useful - but then, it depends on what those people are like! For example, and very crudely speaking, I would rate the opinion of five librarians over the opinion of 500 football hooligans, but the website would get a higher Delicious rating than

Final Thoughts

Made it! So, in the end, what do I think? Image by Ralf Kunze from Pixabay I did this as a way of trying to stay connected with my l...