Friday, 24 April 2020

My Workspace

Only one more week to go before #Library30 is over - I wonder how much more there is of lockdown? Do I need to dig out my #Museum30 prompt list for May? I won't - this has been fun but time-consuming, and I need to have a break and get back to my Framework Five tasks, not to mention my actual work!

So my workspace - that's changed a bit very recently, having gone from this:

To this:

You'll notice, I suspect, the terrible mess and heaps of boxes - see, we only moved quite recently and there was still work to be done on the house so we have three rooms we can't actually use. Then the library uses a lot of stuff, so I've got boxes of books, files and equipment, in addition to all the stuff crammed onto my desk. The table is also used as a desk for the children, so I'm sharing it with their art supplies.

But there are similarities, I suppose. The first, and most important, is the light - I could not work without heaps of sunlight! The next is I tend to keep both spaces quite regulated - here's where I do this task, then here's where this task happens, and so on. And there is one small advantage to working from home - two monitors!! Cataloguing takes half as long when you can have both screens available! Also a much faster computer, running Windows 10, even if it is on crappier internet - talk about swings and roundabouts...

I will say that I miss my absolutely humungous desk at work though. And my trolleys!

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